Jif // #JIFvsGIF
2021 Andy Awards - Idea - Gold
2021 One Show - Integrated - Silver
2021 One Show - PR - Merit
2021 One Show - Social Media - Merit
2021 One Show - Effectiveness - Merit
2021 D&AD - Integrated - Wood Pencil
2021 D&AD - PR - Shortlist
2021 Cannes PR Lions - Shortlist
2021 Cannes Activation Lions - Shortlist
2021 Cannes Social & Influencer Lions - Shortlist
2021 Cannes Direct Lions - Shortlist
In 2020, we hijacked a debate that was raging for nearly a decade: is it pronounced Jif or Gif? Hard G or soft G? It seemed as though everyone had picked a side. The inventor of the GIF file format, Steve Wilhite, said it was a soft G. President Obama was team hard G. But what about Jif, where did we stand? Simple: there are billions of GIFs (with a hard G) but only one Jif (with a soft G). Together, with GIPHY, the world’s largest GIF platform and fellow hard G’ers, we launched #JifvsGIF, taking on the inventor of the GIF, professional linguists, and millions of keyboard warriors worldwide who had been calling the graphic interchange format the same name as our beloved peanut butter. Did we change all of their minds? Nope. But we sold a ton of Jif, and successfully branded the debate. 
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