1850 // Quality That's Criminal
1850 Coffee was in a sticky situation. They were losing share across retailers and had low breaththrough. We needed a big swing to bring attention to Folger's high-end brew or risk being kicked off the shelf forever.
1850 Coffee was in a sticky situation. They were losing share across retailers and had low breaththrough. We needed a big swing to bring attention to Folger's high-end brew or risk being kicked off the shelf forever.
Research showed that it has a naturally sweet taste that requires less milk and sugar. In fact, it’s so delicious you could take it straight.
Research showed that it has a naturally sweet taste that requires less milk and sugar. In fact, it’s so delicious you could take it straight.
1850 Coffee is so rich, so pure...it’s like that other stimulant drug (you know the one). So, we decided to sell it that way, positioning it as criminal. Throughout the campaign, we picture what the world would look like if it truly were illegal - From men in ascots hiding steamy hot mugs in their blazer pockets, stockbrokers pouring it from carafes on street corners, and Hollywood “it” stars getting cuffed for possession.
1850 Coffee is so rich, so pure...it’s like that other stimulant drug (you know the one). So, we decided to sell it that way, positioning it as criminal. Throughout the campaign, we picture what the world would look like if it truly were illegal - From men in ascots hiding steamy hot mugs in their blazer pockets, stockbrokers pouring it from carafes on street corners, and Hollywood “it” stars getting cuffed for possession.
It’s an overtly absurd cop dramedy that makes you want to get your hands on your own steamy hot mug of 1850 Coffee.... And we still can’t believe that we got away with making this.